The use of video within medical simulation to enhance clinical and non-clinical skills allows you to use video to give 100% objective, evidence-based feedback from an assessor to a practitioner. It’s a powerful tool to easily and quickly observe key moments of the practice.
This video will show you some cost sensible, easy ways to achieve your ideal Audio-Visual (AV) setups for medical simulation, whatever pathway you wish to take!
We start by simply using an iPad to film. The Codimg View iPad app allows us to use a customised template of Categories and Descriptor buttons to live clip important moments for instant feedback or post event debriefing.
With its portability and ease of use, it’s an ideal way to start your AV journey, but can also add value to an existing medical simulation set up. The video file and data can be shared straight into the Codimg video analysis software and even shared into other timeline-based software.
Codimg View is a perfect option for live training analysis and debriefing and only costs £105 (+vat) per licence!
We then show you the setups for using both conventional cameras and IP cameras, with either a single or dual capture of the video live into your Codimg Software on your PC. We use a mouse or hotkeys to code the event using an on-screen buttons template, easily clipping those all-important moments and creating a timeline of events with a number of powerful tools at your fingertips to easily review, understand and debrief the event.
Dual capture could enable live review of two different angles and/or a combination of essential information provided by a monitor for example – making it easily viewable beside the main capture.
Wherever you stand with using video in your medical simulations, a clever choice of hardware combined with the Codimg video analysis tools can make for seamless work; from the more comprehensive use of video capture and analysis tools to the simple live capture for post event review. At AnalysisPro, we can customise and provide solutions to suit your requirements and needs.
For further reading about the use of the Codimg video analysis software in medical environments and other fields, check out these related blogs:
Codimg View iPad app used for live tagging of key moments in a medical simulation
Using Codimg as an investigative tool to build quality information and make better decisions
Harrison Litter and Reece Broom using Codimg to review the lesson analysis during their coaching session