We all know that filming sport and using video analysis software is done frequently as a tool to help develop team and individual performances, but what about using it to analyse the performance of a coach too?
In this two-part blog, I will look separately at the Sports Coaching BSc at Coventry University and the Biomechanics and Performance Analysis modules at the University of Chester.
I will look at the setups and processes in place to use video analysis alongside sports coaching (coach education or coaching pedagogy). As we know, the role of a coach is as important as a player, and improvement of performance should be for everyone and not concentrated on players alone.
Let me start with Coventry University and their Sports Coaching Degree, dedicated to all things Sports Coaching!
I first spoke to Course Leader, Dr Mark Noon, in 2018, who had a clear idea on what he wanted his performance analysis setup to look like for this new Sports Coaching BSc course.
The setup needed to meet requirements for the students to learn the principles of using video analysis as a sports coach, but it also needed the provision to use video analysis to improve their own sport coaching skills.
Capturing the video & audio
Mark wanted high quality video & audio, filmed from a height to get the best footage of the event, and the AP Capture Sports Mast ticked all the boxes.
The AP Capture Sports Mast allows an IP Camera to be pneumatically raised up to six metres, with a joystick to control it’s pan, tilt, and zoom around the Astro, where most of the coaching sessions would take place.
A crucial component for video capture when looking at sports coaching is synchronising audio. Inevitably, when it comes to sports coaching analysis, what the coach is saying is as important as the video!
Using our AP Sound device and Sennheiser radio mic, Coventry are able to synchronise high quality sound with the high-quality video, therefore getting a remarkably clear capture of what the coach is saying and doing for when they want to watch back the session.
On a visit to Coventry, it was enjoyable for me to watch the lecturers act in two different coaching styles; one very authoritarian and the other more ‘arm around the shoulder’. The sessions were filmed with the AP Capture solution and broken down with the Nacsport video analysis software.
Furthermore, professional guest coaches carried out coaching sessions which were recorded for further analysis. Below you will see a screen shot from the AP Capture footage of this event.
Of course, having the right human resource in place to support this process is of paramount importance. The ownership here is with Charlotte Nelson.
I was delighted to hear from Charlotte, who had this to say about the AP Capture Sports Mast:
The experience I’ve had so far with AP Capture and Nacsport has been incredible. I was a stranger to all things performance analysis but now this has made me feel like a natural! Charlotte Nelson – Student Proctor and Technical Support for Sports Coaching
The AP Capture Sports Mast is world class and simple to set up and use. It provides a great opportunity for myself and the rest of the sports coaching staff and students to produce high quality performance analysis and understand the true depths of what it takes to become a great sports coach. Charlotte Nelson – Student Proctor and Technical Support for Sports Coaching
Video Analysis Sofware
After a coaching session, the footage is ready to watch back as a normal video file. However, it is always best to review footage using a video analysis software tool. Mark chose the Nacsport video analysis software as a comprehensive analysis tool to do so.
Each Coventry Sports Coaching student has access to the video recordings and the Nacsport video analysis software. Students can build a timeline of events, build presentations of key clips and get a statistical breakdown of the session. Students can also use it for breaking down match footage when using it as a sports coaching tool to help develop teams and individuals.
On top of these performance analysis processes, Mark was also keen to allow the students to be able to highlight/annotate key moments within the video with the KlipDraw Animate telestration tool. This enables students to bring key clips to life with quick and easy-to-apply animations (i.e. arrows, spotlights, text) that are overlaid onto clips and an ideal way to enhance coaching messages.
Let’s now look briefly into how Coventry University have started using the tool specifically for sports coaching. Nacsport enables many powerful video analysis features and I won’t have time to discuss them all in this blog, but if you want to understand exactly what Nacsport can do, feel free to contact me to book a meeting and see it in action.
Coaching Analysis Workshop
To further enhance the student experience, Mark also organised full workshop days for students to further understand the Nacsport video analysis features. I was delighted to deliver the event in an excellent room with screens in every corner!
The picture below shows lecturer Mike Ashford teaching coaching behaviours, ready for the students to create a button template in Nacsport.
After a session of brainstorming coaching behaviours, the students could create a buttons template to use within the Nacsport software alongside the AP Capture video recording and audio, which looked like this!
It was then time to start tagging! We all opened the video file and used our buttons template to create a timeline, statistical dashboard and build presentations.
Prior to the workshop, students also created a simple template for use with their Tag&view iPad/iPhone apps. This is used to timestamp key moments as they happen, ready to sync with the video file post event – a great option to introduce live performance analysis processes and to save time.
The combination of high quality video and audio with a comprehensive analysis software has enabled students to learn from ‘what really happened?’ – the very essence of using video to improve performance.
It’s exciting to see how this course will unfold, with outstanding teaching personnel, state of the art filming and video analysis technology and a dedication to all things sports coaching!
I was delighted to hear this feedback from the coaching staff:
AnalysisPro have given our students a unique experience. The quality of AP Capture has given every student coach the opportunity to observe their own practice and that of their peers. The Nacsport software has allowed students to explore different coaching behaviours and different theoretical thinking tools that underpin the learning activities used. Coventry University Sports Coaching Staff
I’ve really enjoyed working with Coventry University and helping to provide them with the tools and workflows to meet their requirements, so it’s great to hear this feedback! Want to read more about video analysis for sports coaching? Head to part two!
You can start a free 30 day trial of any Nacsport version to try these processes out for yourself. By making contact, I can get you started with a trial and learn more about what you would like to achieve. This will help me to ensure you are on the most suitable version and using the best workflows possible!